Digital Hesse - Where the future begins

The digital strategy of the Hessian State Government is our roadmap for digital progress in our state.

Hessens Digitalministerin Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus

Digitalisation must serve people – not the other way around.

Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus Hessian Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation

Digitalisation enriches and makes our lives easier. Communication, information or shopping without the use of a smartphone is simply hard to imagine. AI analyses health or weather data, controls our vehicles or factories. And that is only a small part of digitalisation. We firmly believe that the opportunities for everyone are enormous. To tap the full potential of digitalisation, we are setting the direction and actively shaping digitalisation. Because after all, it should serve people!

The  digital strategy of the Hessian State Government is our roadmap for digital progress in our state.

The vision of a Hesse 2030 sees every citizen using the latest digital technologies as a matter of course and with confidence in their professional and daily lives. A state in which companies in Hesse develop and produce these innovations, and in which researchers based in Hessian are at the forefront of digital progress, formulate ethical guidelines and act accordingly. A place where state-of-the-art high-speed networks provide the infrastructure for all of this.

In short: Where the future begins.

We don’t sit back and let digitalisation happen, we shape, guide and promote it. We are designers. Our focus is always on people. Digitalisation must serve people – not the other way around.

About us

Hessian Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus

Since January 18th of 2019 Prof. Kristina Sinemus has been Hessian’s first Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation. Prior to that, Prof. Sinemus was the managing director and founder of the consulting agency „Genius“. Genius sees itself as a service provider at the interface of science, business and society. From 2014 to 2019 Prof. Sinemus was the first female President of a Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Hesse. In 2011, Kristina Sinemus was appointed Professor of Public Affairs at the Quadriga University in Berlin.

The Area of responsibility of the Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation

We are living at a turning point in history. Digitalisation is changing the world, our thoughts and actions. It has long been part of our lives. The increasing digitalisation of the Hessian economy, our society and our personal lives offers great opportunities, yet it needs to be shaped.

The Minister’s area of responsibility for Digitalisation and Innovation, which reports directly to the Minister President, was therefore established in January 2019 to manage this process. It entails, among other things, bundling competences in digitisation from many areas of the state administration. It deals with questions of artificial intelligence, the needs of Hessian companies when it comes to digitalisation and social acceptance. The digitalisation of the administration for the benefit of all citizens of Hesse is also a very important area of activity.

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